We are a managed service provider (msp).
01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 0100100100101110 01010100 00101110
We are a managed service provider (msp).

Does your company use MFA?


Contact us now to enquire about Think I.T.’s MFA solution.

Did you know, according to reports from CERT NZ, at least 65% of cybersecurity incidents could have been prevented by two-factor authentication?

In support of this, Deputy Privacy Commissioner, Liz MacPherson has announced that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is the bare minimum expected from small businesses or organisations. She also states “If you are a small business that has a cyber-related privacy breach and don’t have at least two factor-authentication in place, expect to be found in breach of the Privacy Act.”

Find the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s full media release here: https://www.privacy.org.nz/publications/statements-media-releases/office-of-the-privacy-commissioner-encourages-two-factor-authentication-in-war-on-cybercrime/?utm_content=252341143&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&hss_channel=lcp-13672924

We are a managed service provider (msp).
01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 0100100100101110 01010100 00101110